In the September BSRAD Board Meeting, TischlerBise presented a draft of the Big Sky CIP. This plan identified $741 million in recommended infrastructure investments over the next 5-10 years.

Used by local governments to strategically plan for community growth, a CIP anticipates needs and encourages preparation, rather than reacting to problems. The Big Sky CIP outlines proposed capital improvement projects, estimated costs, and expected funding. Once accepted, it will be an instrumental guiding document for the future of our community.

The previous CIP, also prepared by TischlerBise, was commissioned by the Gallatin Canyon/Big Sky Planning and Zoning District in 2011 and identified projects in the part of Big Sky that located in Gallatin County. The 2023 CIP looks at a more comprehensive Big Sky, aligning with the BSRAD boundary which falls in both Gallatin County and Madison County.

The CIP is on the agenda for the October 4th BSRAD/Joint County Commission Meeting. If the plan is accepted at that meeting, timelines and funding of the projects will need to be figured out, as will prioritization. This is a community plan and will require many funding sources.

You can view the updated draft CIP here.

You can listen in to the presentation and community discussion at the September Board Meeting here

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